

What is your work capacity

Even if you are the most talented player ever, if you don’t put on your overalls and don’t waste gallons of sweat on the court, you’d better quit. You have to be willing to work. Don’t be ashamed to do it. You’d say: “And why should I be ashamed?” I’ll tell you. Because there are environments in which it is thought that talented people get everything effortlessly. A lie! On the contrary, there are other environments in which the work is valued more than anything else. Let’s not fall into extremes, but you have to try to take advantage of every little thing you have to get the best of yourself and that is only done with WORK.

And it is not worth working one day and not another… The most important thing at work is constancy. It means doing your best every day, day by day, without missing one. You better stop training if you lower your intensity. It’s better sometimes to get off the court if you don’t have the ability to keep working. But, of course, if that is repeated over and over again, you will have to rethink your goal.

Work, in addition to being a relationship between you and your coach, has to be something that comes out of yourself. It is clear that you need a technician by your side who can guide you and show you how far you can go, but you need your own and constant desire to do more than what is asked of you, contribute more … something more in that piggy bank from day to day with the one you’re trying to get created your game with.

On the other hand, you have to believe in the person who trains you, and believe in him or her very much. Because the moments will come when you will think that you are at your limit, that you cannot do more, and it will be the coach who will tell you: “Go ahead!”

Curiosity and determination are things that will help you always be looking for a way to improve and then apply it day by day. It is not enough only with what is put on the table, you must improve it. You must investigate, analyze, ask. And also, you must turn all that process of constant work and improvement into something vital for your day to day … you must learn to enjoy it.

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