With this protocol for the student, we have created a Safety Guide to develop their activity on the court. Following the advice of the WHO, National Health Adminitration, RFET, and with the great support of FTM, we have adapted the information so that tennis players can train as safely as possible. We will continually edit and expand these tips, in addition to adapting them to the de-escalation phases. We hope they help you to play tennis safely. At the end of the article, you will find some interesting links on the same topic.
If you have any questions, leave us a comment and we will respond as soon as possible.
Student Guide (Phase 1)
Training by appointment
Make your inquiry:
- Tel / Whatsapp: 607 148 251
- eMail: info@globalagenttennis.com
You must arrive at the club already dressed to play and in just enough time
You must change street shoes for tennis shoes. We will review the WARM-UP and adjust it to our needs to comply with the protocol.

Each player will be assigned a corner of the court to leave the bag
As you enter the court, go to the assigned corner to drop off your bag. At breaks, you can use the same space to drink water, rest, or follow the instructions of the coach.
Don’t share your gear
Only you can use your rackets, towel, overgrips, balls, and other accessories. Prevent another person from having contact with your equipment.
Mark the balls
Each player must mark the balls with a color to be able to differentiate them and only touch theirs.

Evita tocarte la cara
- Utiliza pañuelos desechables.
- En caso de utilizar tu toalla, mantenla dentro del raquetero.
Evita tocar puertas, bancos, postes de la red, etc.
En la medida de lo posible intenta tener el menor contacto posible con los materiales y el equipamiento de la pista.
Evita cambiar de lado de la pista
Y si lo haces, cada jugador debe cambiar por los lados opuestos de la red para mantener la distancia.
Group training allowed (Phase 1)
Up to 10 people are allowed per court, maintaining the minimum distances established.

Do not shake hands
There should be no physical contact with other people. Avoid hugs and kisses. Alternatives to the greeting: Asian or high-fives (at the end of the training or match).

Wear a mask and gloves until you enter the court
Once inside, take off your mask and gloves and disinfect your hands.

Sterilize your hands before and after playing
Wash your hands with soap or hydroalcoholic gel / spray for 20 seconds.
Don’t share your water bottle or your food
Bring a full bottle to avoid using club supplies and don’t share it with other players.
Disinfect court equipment before and after training
The bench, the posts or any other material on the court that you may touch should be disinfected before and after training.
Keep a safe distance during breaks
Try not to approach other players at breaks. Keep a safe distance.

Forbidden to train with symptoms
“Cough, fever, shortness of breath, sore throat, muscle aches, taste or smell changes …”

Once inside, take off your mask and gloves and disinfect your hands.
While you are in our facilities. When you go to the bank to drop off your bag or during breaks.
Disinfect your equipment before and after playing
Disinfect the rackets, the water bottle or any other material that you are going to use or have used during training.
Use new balls when possible
Use new balls in practice or have your own ball cart ready (that only you can touch).

Cover yourself with your elbow when you cough and/or sneeze
Don’t touch your face. When coughing or sneezing, cover yourself with the inside of your elbow or use disposable tissues.
Pick up and pass the balls with the racket or with the foot
Avoid touching the balls with your hands.
At the end of the training, you must leave the facilities
Be punctual. The training start must be as punctual as the arrival.
Support material
In this eCoach blog, in addition to the relevant health advice, you have access to different theory articles with which you can complement your training. For support with physical training, we advise you to visit the YouTube channel supervised by our coach Alessandro Vigo: BeTwin. The protocols to develop the activity on the court for the students will be updated as we go through the successive phases.